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Solemn lowering of the flag in Valladolid dedicated to the media for their Patron Saint's festivity

miércoles 24 de enero de 2018

Nombre: 6447

The chief of the 4th Army General Inspectorate (SUIGE in Spanish) and military authority of Valladolid and Palencia, general José Rivas Moriana, has invited the media to an event of solemn lowering of the flag the day before its Patron Saint's festivity, San Francisco de Sales, the 23rd of January, at the Royal Palace of Valladolid.

The act was attended by representatives of the local media such as the press, radio and TV, who participated in folding the National Emblem as well as in accompaning General Rivas to place a laurel wreath in the monolith during the tribute to those who gave their lifes for Spain, in which it was also remembered all the journalists who died while practicing their profession. This way, the units of the Army in Valladolid wanted to pay tribute and to thank the media the rigor and enthusiasm that they employ everyday in their mission.

The Honour Unit was formed by the Honour Sapper Squad of the 4th SUIGE, a section of the base's Services Unit "El Empecinado" and the Support Unit of the 4th SUIGE, as well as the 12th Regiment of Armoured Cavalry Farnesio and the 12th Group of Light Armoured Cavalry Villaviciosa's war bands. Apart from them,  the respective units' Standards, together with another standard of the 61st Group of Logistical Support, were also involved in this event.

After the end of the act, the attending public could visit the Historical Museum-Room "Teniente General Veguillas" inside the Royal Palace of Valladolid.

Journalists collaborating in lowering the flag

Journalists collaborating in lowering the flag. (Photo:4ª SUIGE)