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  • The Spanish Army teaches a logistics course to Senegalese soldiers
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The Spanish Army teaches a logistics course to Senegalese soldiers

lunes 11 de junio de 2018

Nombre: 6722

Members of the Logistics Brigade's General Staff have been in Dakar (Senegal) since the 4th of June in order to give a logistics training course to ten officers belonging to the Senegalese Armed Forces.

This course is part of the cooperative security actions carried out by the Spanish Army in the African country, with which it seeks to increase the capabilities of its Armed Forces through military advisory assistance and training in different fields.

The Spanish Army has contributed numerous troops since the cooperation began in 2014. In the last months, for example, trainers from the Spanish Legion have been passing through Senegal to train the Senegalese military in desert combat techniques, or Sappers from the 1st "Aragon" Brigade to train them in border patrols.

Soldiers in the training room

Soldiers in the training room