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Military Academy Degrees (Reales Despachos) in the presence of the King and the Queen of Spain.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Number: 5390


The King giving the Military Degree (Reales Despachos)

The King giving the Military Degree (Reales Despachos). (Photo: Marco Romero/MDE)

Ceremony Presidency

Ceremony Presidency (Photo: Marco Romero/MDE)

New Officers throw their caps up

New Officers throw their caps up (Photo: Marco Romero/MDE)

July 14th has been one of the most important days in their lifes. It was the date in which the new Army officers, the Civil Guard and the Common Corps of the Armed Forces got their Degrees (Reales Despachos in Spanish) after completing their training at the Military Academy HQ in Zaragoza. This ceremony was officiated by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.

During the ceremony, the King, Felipe VI, decorated the 6 most outstanding students. Lieutenant Ivorra, first of his promotion (the 71st) of the Army General Corps and Lieutenant López Reverón, first of her promotion at the Civil Guard Highest Scale of officers.

Right after, the remaining, a total of 448 new officers received their diplomas (Reales Despachos). Out of those, 217 belonging to the Army (179 General Corps, 22 Polytechnic Engineers Corps and 16 Reserve officers), 147 to the Civil Guard (68 Highest Scale and 79 Officers) and 84 belonging to the Army Common Corps. Also, among the new officers, 65 are women and 3 international students; two from Thailand and one from Jordan.

Graduated in Industrial Organization Engineering

The 179 students of the Military Academy 71st promotion got their degrees in Industrial Organization Engineering simultaneously. In order to obtain the Lieutenant 2-stars, the new officers had to pass not only a rigorous military curriculum (specific and general) but also study and pass the degree in Industrial Organization Engineering taught at the Defense University Center, CUD (Centro Universitario de la Defensa, in Spanish). It is the second promotion. The qualification degree was given on July 13th by Pilar Alegría Continente, Innovation, Research and University Advisor.  

Awards at the Academy 'La General.'

That same day, chaired by the Head of the Academy (AGM), General Lanchares, an awards ceremony took place at the Academy parade ground. The awards were given to the personnel who stands out due to their compliance with their obligations. The veteran badge, awarded by the Military Personnel HQ, was given to Major Sánchez Merino for taking part in actions developped in 2004 in Iraq. For the first time, the award Vázquez Landa to the 'Academy Spirit' was also given in recognition of the endeavor made to keep that spirit. It was Lieutenant, Colonel Ortiz de Zarate, who got the AGM award. Also, “ex-aequo”, to the Defense University Center Professors, Sira Hernández and  Monserrat Aiger.

Finally, the 1st Efficiency Test “Teniente García Cabrelles” was awarded to the best platoons. First and second years cadets, led by third and fourth year second lieutenant, must pass different obstacles and tactical situations.