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  • El 'Quick Lion' pone a prueba al Cuartel General de la División 'San Marcial'
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'Quick Lion' puts the 'San Marcial' Division Headquarters to the test

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Number: 6005

The 'San Marcial' Division Headquarters has been evaluated as Joint Headquarters of the European Union Battle Group Package (EUBG Package) in the 'Quick Lion' exercise, which took place between 2 and 12 May at the 'San Gregorio' training field (Zaragoza) and had around 3,000 participants.

The exercise was also used to integrate all of the elements of the European Rapid Operational Force, which includes support from the Navy, Air Force, Civil Guard amd Military Emergency Units, as well as personnel from Portugal and Italy.

Likewise, the exercise was beneficial in preparing units who will make up the Battle Group which the  Headquarters will have in their command, and whose main contribution is the nº 64 'Galicia' Regiment, since many of the incidents were resolved in Livex (with the real deployment of units on the ground).

The varied situations that the members of the EUBG Package had to face during these days allowed them to put their knowledge of procedures to the test in order to plan the operational level and information management with all the subordinate units, along with other goals.

Exceeding the evaluation, the Force has been certified and can proceed to the stand-by phase, making them able to be deployed during the second half of 2017 in any mission or scenario assigned to them by the European Union.



The exercise took place at "San Gregorio"

The exercise took place at "San Gregorio" (Photo:Miguel Alonso/División "San Marcial")