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Spain's National Day 2018

The events will take place in Madrid, the 12th of October 2018, at Paseo de la Castellana



Events to celebrate Spain's National Day

National Day's central ceremony chaired by His Majesty (S.M. in Spanish) the King of Spain, will start at 11:00am at Plaza de Lima in Madrid. It will consists on hoisting and paying tribute to the Spanish Flag as well as on honoring those who have given their lifes for Spain.

- Air parade: over Paseo de la Castellana's vertical. Direction: Plaza Cibeles - Glorieta de Emilio Castelar - reference point at Plaza de Lima (Royal Platform) - Plaza de Castilla.

- Land parade: Paseo de la Castellana, from Plaza de Cuzco to Paseo de la Castellana's crossroads with Raimundo Fernández Villaverde and Joaquín Costa Streets. Royal Platform at Plaza de Lima.


Felicitación de la Ministra

Spot 12 de octubre
