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Día de las Fuerzas Armadas 2016 #GraciasMILitares #DIFAS16

28 de mayo, Día de las Fuerzas Armadas 2016

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Historical background

The celebration of Armed Forces Day in Spain goes back to 1978, when it was established as a nation-wide annual commemoration to pay tribute to the different military branches, raise awareness of their role and favour their integration into society.

During its first eight years, the most important event of the Day took place at one of the cities where the Army has a captaincy general. It included a military parade and a tribute to the Flag and was presided over by the King and Queen of Spain.

The celebration was modified in 1987 in order to widen its impact and improve communication between civilian and military citizens. It was extended to the whole of the country and lost some of its sternness to become a festivity which includes not only military events but also popular activities to encourage the participation of all citizens. However, the date continued to be the same: The Sunday nearest to 30 May, feast-day of Ferdinand III of Castile (also known as Saint Ferdinand).

Since 1987 Armed Forces Day has been held in Seville, Cartagena (Murcia), Barcelona, Talavera La Real (Badajoz), Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), Madrid, A Coruña, Cartagena, Barcelona, Alicante, Kosovo, Gando (Gran Canaria), Almería, Sevilla, León, Zaragoza, Santander, Badajoz and, last year, Valladolid. This year there will be no central event due to the austerity measures, so no town has been picked. However, smaller events will be held in different towns up and down the country.

In 1997 some of the most significant events which used to be included in Armed Forces Day were moved to 12 October, Spain’s national day.

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#GraciasMILitares #DIFAS16