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12th Libre Hidalgo

The members of “Libre Hidalgo” XI, from the 6th Parachute Brigade “Almogávares” (BRIPAC VI), have been relieved by the 2nd Cavalry Regiment “Castillejos” (BRICAB II), with HQ in Zaragoza, which is supported by a logistic unit from the 61st Logistic Support Group (Valladolid), a unit from the Navy Regiment from San Fernando (Cádiz) and other units of the Army and the Civil Guard. All in all, around 1,100 troops.

The operation was launched on 9 August 2010, when four separate groups were sent to the Spanish base “Miguel de Cervantes” near the town of Marjayoun. The new 12th Multinational Brigade “Líbano” (BRILIB XII), commanded by General Juan Carlos Medina Fernández, assumed control of the new Multinational Brigade Sector East (MNB SECEAST) of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on 15 August 2010.

The bulk of the contingent for operation “Libre Hidalgo” XII comes from BRICAB II, which provides most of the 1,100 Spanish soldiers. In addition to the Spaniards, MNB SECEAST incorporates troops from India, Indonesia and Nepal. The four national units within the Brigade are each assigned an area of responsibility along the Blue Line, the unofficial border between Lebanon and Israel.

The Spanish Light Protected Tactical Battalion will continue to be backed by a unit from the Salvadorian Army, presently in the area of operations. Furthermore, MNB SECEAST has a field hospital from the Popular Republic of China. As a multinational unit, its HQ includes personnel from the aforementioned countries. Altogether MNB SECEAST has over 4,000 troops led by Spain and deployed in the eastern sector of the UNIFIL area, i.e. the territory between the Litani River in the north, the Blue Line in the south, the Italian-led western sector in the west and the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory in the east. The different brigades are spread over the territory under the responsibility of UNIFIL, in whose headquarters at Naqoura there are also Spanish personnel.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) acts under a UN mandate according to Security Council Resolution 1701 and has as its main tasks ensuring the observance of the cessation of hostilities, supporting and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Lebanese government to extend their control south of the Litani River and favouring the supply of humanitarian aid to the civilian population. BRILIB XII is stationed at the “Miguel de Cervantes” base near Marjayoun and positioned at different points along the Blue Line.