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Active Fence V

During the morning of 21st July 2016, in an moving ceremony celebrated in the Incirlik airbase  where the Spanish contingent PATRIOT is deployed, a change of command was carried out after more than 6 months between the outgoing Chief of the Contingent, colonel  Juan Carlos Pérez Herrero and the incoming Chief of the Contingent,  Liuetenant colonel Luis Pardo Moreno. During this time,  a high level of delivery and professionalism have been extensively  shown through their components with the tasks being carried out.

The ceremony was led by the Turkish colonel  Özgün, chief of the airbase in Incirlik.  Other attendees were the Northamerican chief of Ala 39, general Walker as well as the chiefs of German, Danish and Saudian contingents.

The A/T III contingent returns home after 6 months of mission which were deployed in January of this year and under whose responsability fulfilled all the expectations to ensure the success of the defence mission in the city of Adana against ballistic missiles coming from Siria.

The incoming force, with the 73rd Anti-Aircraft Artilllery Regiment as a generating unit, will give antimissile defence to the city of Adama 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6 months, which will mean there is a high level of technical preparation and ability avaliable to provide an inmediate response to a ballistic missile attack.