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A Portuguese contingent supports the Spanish troops deployed at Besmayah

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Number: 4264

Portuguese and Spanish soldiers in formation

Portuguese and Spanish soldiers in formation (Photo: PIO Iraq)

The Portuguese flag now flutters at Besmayah

The Portuguese flag now flutters at Besmayah (Photo: PIO Iraq)

A contingent of 30 Portuguese soldiers under the command of a major has arrived at the Spanish base “Gran Capitán” at Besmayah (Iraq) to support the legionnaires stationed there.

The group is led by Major Manuel Lourenço, a highly-trained soldier with extensive experience on international missions. The contingent is made up of 20 members of the Portuguese Commando Unit, 5 parachutists, 2 artillerymen, 2 from Special Operations and 1 from Cavalry (tanks). The Portuguese soldiers will support the Spanish legionnaires both in their training work and in their operational, logistical and service tasks (e.g. medical).

The incorporation of the Portuguese contingent, which is already known as the “Viriatus Section”, was marked by a ceremony of tribute to the fallen on 17 May which included the hoisting of the Portuguese flag. It now flutters next to those of Spain and Iraq at the “Gran Capitán” base.