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Participants in 2nd NBC Defence Specialist Course visit 1st Regiment 'Valencia'

Friday, November 27, 2015

Number: 4718

A few days earlier inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons also visited the Regiment

The 1st NBC Defence Regiment “Valencia” received the visit of the 2nd NBC Defence Specialist Course for Officers and NCOs of the Armed Forces, offered by the Military Academy of NBC Defence (EMDNBQ), at the garrison “Daoíz y Velarde” of Paterna (Valencia) from 23 to 25 November.

The group, composed of 7 instructors and 29 students from the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Military Emergencies Unit, as well as an officer and an NCO from Brazil, not only visited the unit but also carried out the exercises necessary to reach the level of competence demanded by EMDNBQ.

During the course, the Regiment showed them their abilities and the procedures to follow in case of an incident, as well as how their units operate and use their equipment in an NBC environment. The students practised decontamination techniques in a personnel decontamination station, reconnaissance and SIBCRA (sampling and identification of biological, chemical and radiological agents).

Alumnos del curso en la visita al Regimiento (Foto:RNBQ nº 1)

Visit by OPCW inspectors

On the other hand, a team of inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons of the United Nations carried out a reconnaissance visit of the 1st Regiment “Valencia” on 20 November.

The team of inspectors included Nieves Gómez Sainz de Aja from the National Authority for Chemical Weapons, a representative of the Technological Institute “La Marañosa”, another from the Spanish Verification Unit and five inspectors from Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, Iran and Ireland.