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The Legion, in Senegal once again to instruct in desert combat

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Number: 6039

Terrain strategy explanation

Terrain strategy explanation (Photo:BRI II)

Theory delivered to Senegalese soldiers

Theory delivered to Senegalese soldiers (Photo:BRI II)

Desert combat focuses on activities that the 10th Batallion «Millán Astray» team of instructors from the Legion are delivering to around 50 Senegalese soldiers being trained on 12 May in Dakar, within the cooperative security mission in Senegal.

Preparation includes elements such as orientation in the desert with a compass or GPS, shooting exercises, police patrol operational procedures and reacting to ambush.

The Legion has previously contributed teams of instructors to this mission, and to other similar missions in Mali and Mauritania. The aim of these cooperative security and training missions is to improve the military capabilities of other countries in order to help them combat possible threats.