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Beginning of the 13th Special Operations' Course for Basic Aptitude

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Number: 6222

The 13th Special Operations' Course for Basic Aptitude, whose aim is to form military professional troops in the development of basic functions in these kind of units, has started, the 19th of September, by the hand of the Chief of Special Operations Command (MOE in Spanish), general Demetrio Muñoz, at "Alférez Rojas Navarrate" base, Special Operations Command headquarter in Alicante. It will also take place at the Mountain and Special Operations  Military School, in Jaca (Huesca), and at the Parachuting Milatry School, in Alcantarilla (Murcia). 

Among the 82 applications presented to this call, only 65 were selected after rejecting the ones that did not achieve the necessary requirements for this application. 22 candidates, from the 58 presented to the selection tests, did not get it, and another four were out. Finally, 32 candidates were considered appropriated to start their preparation.

This course it is scheduled and developed in cooperation with the Special Operations Command and the Mountain and Special Operations Military School (EMMOE in Spanish), guaranteeing quality and homogeneity in the education of the Special Operations tactics, techniques and procedures for commands and troops, through the Study Plans and the programms aproved by the Teaching Department.

Selective rappel test

Selective rappel test (Photo: MOE)