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Military Academy of NBC Defense (NBQ in Spanish) sets up State's instructors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Number: 6269

Alumnos en una las actividades del curso

Cadets at a course's activity (Photo:EMDNBQ)

Participantes en el curso

Contestants at the course (Photo:EMDNBQ)


Military Academy of NBC Defense, belonging to the War Academy with base in Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid), has formed State's instructors of the Latin-American and Caribbean Groups (GRULAC) from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPAQ in Spanish), at the 1st Course of Formation in Assistance and Protection for Instructors, that began the 25th of September.

The date was attended by 22 students from the 16 GRULAC states: Argentina, Belice, Brasil, Colombia,Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Santa Lucia and Uruguay.

During the course, EMDNBQ's teachers give their theoretical and practice lessons about the effects of chemical agents in war, NBC detection, reconnaissance and reversing polution subjects among others. Furthermore, the students will visit the 1st Regiment of NBC Defense "Valencia", at the laboratory of Chemical Weapons' Verification of the National Institute of Aerospace Tenchnique (INTA in Spanish), the Intervention Group of Tenchnological and Environmental Emergencies of the Military Emergency Unit and the NBC Decontamination Sanitary Station of the Sanitary Brigade.

This course is classified inside of the activites of collaboration that the EMDNBQ carries out with the OPAQ, whose Assistance and Protection Network forms part of the Chemical Defense Department of the Academy.