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The Spanish Army, undeniable champion of the Patrols' Competition of the Armed Forces

Friday, November 17, 2017

Number: 6350

The Spanish Army has taken the victory at the 18th Patrols' National Competion of the Armed Forces, celebrated in Los Pinares de la Puebla del Río (Sevilla), the 8th of November.

The competition was organized by the Central Committee of the Spanish Army's Physical Education, through the South Leadership Support to Preparation, by the Delegation of the Physical Education and Sports' Superior Council of the Armed Forces. 18 patrols of the Army participated in this competition, two belonging to the Spanish Navy, five to the Spanish Air Force and one to the Royal Guard. Furthermore, it was taking place too the 6th Patrols' Competion of the Spanish Army, in which it was repeated the national podium. This victory was obtained by the 7th Brigade "Galicia", followed by the 6th Paratrooper Brigade "Almogávares" and the 2nd Brigade "Rey Alfonso XIII" of the Legion.

The route took place over a land with streches to the map, orthophoto and compass, in which different tests were alternated: 50 metres shooting (destruction of three targets from different positions, with bonus according to the number of shoots when saving ammunition), launches of grenades ballasted to a circle of four metres, situated at 25 metres of distance, assessment of distances of five targets marked in a panoramic photo and location of five hidden objects in the land. In the mark of the competition the time, the punishments and bonus of the different tests were taken into account.

Both, the work of the Units belonging to the Local Committee of Physical Education of Seville, which contributed with personnel and the aids to make up the team of organization, and the logistic deployment conducted by the 21st Group of Logistic Support and the Unit of Services "Pineda" in the finishing line, with a team of showers and canteens, made possible the success of the test's development.

The awarding ceremony was chaired by the Chief of General Staff of the Land Force, General Palacios Zaforteza, whose words highlighted the importance of the physical instruction as column of the military preparation.


Podium of the Patrols' Competition of the Armed Forces

Podium of the Patrols' Competition of the Armed Forces (Photo:MADOC)