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The Meeting Phase of the contigent belonging to the 6th Brigade, which will be deployed in Iraq, has already started

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Number: 6587

The members of the 6th Paratroopers Brigade "Almogávares", together with the personnel coming from the other 32 units completing the contingent which will be deployed in Besmayah (Iraq) inside the frame of the Inherent Resolve Operation, have started, the 11th of April at "Príncipe" base, the meeting phase as the last activity before the deployment.

After Colonel Cortés' welcome, chief of the contingent, the personnel attend different conferences about the history of the conflic, psychological adaptation or NBC, among others. Furthermore, the members of the contingent will improve the use of the different applications and computer programmes applied in operations. And, above all, they will work harder in order to reach a total integration and cohesion of all the personnel to successfully fulfill the commitments of the mission.

Conference at the meeting phase

Conference at the meeting phase (Photo:BRI VI)