Imagen de fondo

Photographs of the Commandancy-General of Ceuta

Commander-General Gonzalo Rodríguez de Austria y Rosales Commander-General Gonzalo Rodríguez de Austria y Rosales


On April 12, 1915, Ceuta was visited by Their Royal Highnesses. Princess Luisa and Prince Carlos of Bourbon were accompanied by the Commander-General of Ceuta, Joaquín Milans del Bosch y Carrio.


 Prince Carlos of Bourbon visited the city of Ceuta, on behalf of His Majesty The King, on May 17, 1918. He was received upon arrival by Commander-General Domingo Arraiz de Conderena y Ugarte.


Prince Carlos of Bourbon inspecting the troops, accompanied by Commander-General Domingo Arraiz de Conderena y Ugarte