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Parque y Centro de Mantenimiento de Sistemas Acorazados nº 1

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Historial del PCMASA 1


Entrada al PCMASA 1

The background of the 1st Armored Systems Depot and Maintenance started with the creation of the Automobile Depot of the Army of the Center, based in Valladolid. Its main tasks were transportation and vehicle repair. The core unit consisted of a spare parts warehouse and six Workshop Companies located in Valladolid, Móstoles, Cáceres, Almazán (Soria), Ávila and a Depot Company in Medina de Ríoseco (Valladolid).

The Company in Móstoles, under a captain´s command with a number of workshops, forefather of the current Depot, began its activities as a Repair and Spare Parts Company during the first months of the Civil War in 1936 until 1939, when it moved to Carabanchel Alto, taking the name of Depot and Workshops of Carabanchel from then on. It was set under command of the recently created Ministry of the Army Transportation Directorate.

In 1946, it changes its name from Depot and Workshops of Carabanchel to that of Automobile Depot and Workshops Base of the 1st Military Region. It was set under a major´s command and organized with a Company and a single Workshop with a number of Sections.

In 1952, the Unit moved to Villaverde, under a Lieutenant Colonel´s command. The Detall Headquarters under a major´s command was created.

During 1959, the workshops took the name of 4th Echelon, increasing the workforce and creating the 3rd Mobile Echelon in 1967.

On November 18, 1975, by order of the Material Directorate, it was renamed Motor Vehicle Depot and Workshops of the 1st Military Region


In 1978, works began for the installation of an AMX-30 MBT (Main Battle Tank) workshop, and once finished in 1981 it was named the AMX-30 MBT Support Workshop. It is currently the Conjuntos workshop building.

In 1984 and because of vehicle repairs and workforce increases, a Colonel was appointed to command the Depot.

In 1985, the project to create the 1st Armored Systems Maintenance Center began. Its main task was AMX-30 MBT and BMR/VEC APC General Support, which entailed a deep restructuring of its facilities to adapt them to the new tasks as well as the creation of organizational charts according to the task.

In 1987, it was reorganized, becoming Central Logistic Organ, under the Material Directorate with the name of 1st CMSA for comprehensive support for European Armored Systems.

On June 18, 1996, it got the Quality Assurance Certificate for the Maintenance of Armored Systems and spare parts Supply and in accordance with the PECAL 120 requirements on Quality Assurance, granted by the Armament and Material General Directorate. It was one of the first OLCs to get it.

In 1997 it takes over the maintenance of the Leopard 2A4 MBT.

On June 30, 1998, and by decision 562/08235/98, the personnel of the Armored Systems Maintenance Center is adapted to what currently is the "1st ARMORED SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CENTER AND DEPOT". On October 1st, the organizational chart RS 306 is approved, being constituted by Headquarters (Commander, Staff, Finance Section, Medical Service, Command Sergeant Major and Secretary), Maintenance Unit, Supply Unit, Department of Quality and HQ and Services Company.

On November 23, 1999, the Quality System Certificate for "Maintenance of Armored Systems and Spare Parts Supply for said Vehicles" was revalidated for three more years, in accordance with the requirements of the “PECAL/AQAP 120 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements” standard.

In 2000, it is designated as a center responsible for the maintenance of PIZARRO and CENTAURO vehicles.

On January 7, 2003, it revalidates the Quality System Certificate for "Maintenance of Armored Systems and Spare Parts Supply for said Vehicles", in accordance with the requirements of the “PECAL/AQAP 120 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements” standard.

On January 10, 2006 and for a period of three years, it revalidates the Quality System Certificate for "Maintenance of Armored Systems and Spare Parts Supply for said Vehicles", in accordance with the requirements of the “PECAL/AQAP 2120 NATO Requirements for Quality Assurance” standard, a much more demanding standard than the previous PECAL 120.

Traducción realizada por el Gabinete de Traductores e Intérpretes del ET y registrada con el nº 22-1204

Esta traducción no tiene carácter oficial a los efectos contemplados en la Ley 2/2014


In March 2006, it receives the "DIPLOMA OF THE YEAR 2006" from the DEFENSE-ARMY Maintenance Quality Committee for the outstanding implementation and improvement of the Quality Assurance System in accordance with PECAL 2120.

On January 1, 2007 and following the Army Organizational Adjustments for the year 2006, the Barracks Security and Support Sections were segregated when the USAC "San Cristóbal" was created.

In 2007 it got the Environmental Management System Certificate. The ceremony to receive said certificate is pending.

In 2009, securing of the Workplace Health and Safety Management System Certificate in accordance with the OHSAS 18001:2007 specification dated 10-11/2009.

On July 27, 2012, renewal of the PECAL / AQAP 2120 Quality System Certificate.

On November 10, 2012, renewal of the Workplace Health and Safety Management System Certificate.

Currently the name of the Center is the 1st Armored Systems Maintenance Center and Depot (PCMASA 1), under the Integration of Logistic Functions Directorate of the Army Logistic Support Command.


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