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  • The Army Museum broke a record in 2017 with an increase of a 15% in its visits
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The Army Museum broke a record in 2017 with an increase of a 15% in its visits

jueves 4 de enero de 2018

Zenbakia: 6423

Story telling at the museum

Story telling at the museum  (Photo:Museo del Ejército)

The number of visitors that visited the Army Museum in 2017 reached 364.187, 15% more than last year and the best registration since its inauguration in its current position at Alcázar de Toledo, in 2010.

Exhibitions such as "Exótica in Militaria" or the currently opened one at the museum "Disciplina Subordinación y Servicio. El Ejército de Carlos III", which can be also visited during this first semester of 2018, have contributed to the increase in the number of visits to its installations.

Another important factor of motivation to this increase of visits has been the great acceptance of the cultural activities, addressed to all publics: theatre visits, story tellings, puppets theatres, the live museum or the family museum, as well as its offering didactic activities, managed by teaching centres from all over Spain, with a wide teaching programme and whose demand has execeeded the availability of these dates.