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'Tarsis' Online exercise of the NBC Defence Groups

jueves 12 de abril de 2018

Número: 6573

The NBC Defense Groups of the seven Brigades belonging to the Land Forces, the Canarias Brigade, the Spanish Navy Marines and Squadron of Support to the Aerial Deployment have been trained, from the 6th to the 12th of April, in the resolution of NBC incidents, inside the frame of the "Tarsis" online exercise.

The NBC Defense Groups of the 1st "Valencia" NBC Defense Regiment, organiser of the exercise, took the role of a Division's General Staff, whilst the DNBC Groups participated as part of the General Staff of each Brigade taking part in the operation. The exercise consisted in working on the concept of leadership through the preparation of many advices to the Command, with the "CBRN Analysis" informatic programme. This programme is compulsory used in the General Staffs and Units belonging to the NATO (OTAN in Spanish) for the conduction of calculations and messenger of the Alert and NBC Information network, as well as other kind of advising informatic tools.

The events in this phase were a chemical attack, a radiological bomb, an accident of a chemical transport and the effects of an attack to the processing facility of chemical agents, among others.

Un militar establece predicciones NBQ

A soldier establishes NBC predictions (Photo:RNBQ 1)