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Paratroopers harden in mid-mountain areas

lunes 11 de junio de 2018

Número: 6723

The "Roger de Lauria" Bandera, belonging to the 4th "Nápoles" Regiment of the 6th "Almogávares" Paratrooper Brigade, has moved to Navaleno (Soria) to carry out a two-day march, in medium mountain areas, of approximately 30 kilometers, the 5th and 6th of June.

On the first day, on arrival at Navaleno, the first march began with the aim of reaching Cabeza Alta's viewpoint, located 18 kilometers away and 1,546 metres above sea level, with a positive difference in altitude of 650 metres.

The second day ended in the town of Covaleda, at a distance of 12 kilometers from the height of 12 kilometers, a tour in which the soldiers enjoyed the beautiful landscapes they crossed.

The aim of these hardening marches carried out by Roger de Lauria Flag is to strenthen and increase the cohesion of all its members, and thus be in the best position to face the 60 kilometre march marked by its annual preparation programme, which will take place in the second half of the year.

The soldiers in the march on Soria's land

The soldiers in the march on Soria's land