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  • The Spanish National Day parade is marked by the 30th anniversary of Spain’s participation in foreign missions
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The Spanish National Day parade is marked by the 30th anniversary of Spain’s participation in foreign missions

lunes 14 de octubre de 2019

Zenbakia: 7660

12th of October on Madrid’s Castellana avenue

A unit parades on foot in front of their Majesties the King and Queen

Staff wearing the striped uniforms worn in Baler

A unit representing Mali in the parade

Over 4,200 soldiers walked down Madrid’s Castellana avenue as part of the National Day parade in a deployment of aircraft and land vehicles which allowed all those who gathered there to become participants. On this occasion, it was international in tone, as it is 30 years since the Armed Forces first participated in foreign missions. For this reason, the anniversary held an important place in the ceremony, which was presided over by their Majesties the King and Queen, accompanied by the acting Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, as well as the presidents of the Congress and Senate, and other important figures.

Two members of the 6th ‘Almogávares’ Brigade, from the Paratroopers (BRI VI) were tasked with carrying the flag to the royal platform in a parachute jump from an altitude of 1,500 metres.  Later, there was an homage to those who gave their lives for Spain, in which 23 flag and pennant bearers from units which are deployed abroad participated.

The parade began with 76 aircraft traversing the skies over Madrid, to which the Army’s Airmobile Force contributed Cougar, NH-90, Tiger and Chinook helicopters. On the ground, this year the command fell to BRI VI, whose chief, General Sáez Rocandio, led the formation. More than 100 vehicles took part, some of which had deployed to missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, such as the RG-31 and the VAMTAC and also support units, such as tow trucks. There was also a diverse representation of the 11th Engineering Specialists Regiment, which is celebrating its 175th anniversary.

For the units on foot, the 67th ‘Old Sicilian Third’ Infantry Regiment, which is celebrating 300 years since it arrived in San Sebastian, stood out. Furthermore, in memory of the 120th anniversary of the siege of Baler, a group from the ‘Philippines’ Battalion from the 47th ‘Palma’ Infantry Regiment also participated in the parade.

Additionally, troops from Mali, Senegal, Mauritania and Lebanon who had been invited to take part held a special place in the parade, as a way to recognise the ties to the countries in which the Armed Forces are deployed. The acting Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, maintained the tradition of holding a videoconference an hour before the parade began, in which she spoke to the commands of the contingents of the 16 operations in which Spain is participating abroad.