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  • JEME's first visit to the Projection Support Units in the Canary Islands
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JEME's first visit to the Projection Support Units in the Canary Islands

viernes 3 de noviembre de 2017

Zenbakia: 6321

JEME's first visit to the Projection Support Units (UAPRO in Spanish) "Marqués de Herrera", in Lanzarote Island, was the first stop that the Chief of General Staff of the Spanish Army (JEME in Spanish), General Varela, made in his long journey through the non-capital islands belonging to the Canary Archipelago, the 29 of October. JEME travelled from Fuerteventura, where the previous day he had attended to the celebration "Fudenas", the most important civic-military cycle competition celebrated in the Canaries.

In Lanzarote, after his visit to the UAPRO, he flew over the Manoeuvre and Shooting Field "Montaña Bermeja" heading to La Palma Island, where he visited the UAPRO "El Fuerte" and, afterwards, the El Hierro Island, in order to know the so-called "Anatolio Fuentes". The last stop was at "Cristóbal Colón", settled in La Gomera.

It is the first visit of the JEME to these emplacements since his appointment, being accompanied by the Chief of the 5th General Army Sub-inspection, General Jarne.


Exhibition to the JEME at the UAPRO from La Gomera

Exhibition to the JEME at the UAPRO from La Gomera (Foto:MCANA)