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  • A company of the 7th Bandera belonging to the 2nd Brigade is trainned with the Foreign French Legion
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A company of the 7th Bandera belonging to the 2nd Brigade is trainned with the Foreign French Legion

lunes 29 de enero de 2018

Zenbakia: 6457

The 7th company of the 8th Bandera "Colón" has been trainned in a bilateral exercise with a company of the 2nd Regiment of the Foreign French Legion, from the 15th to the 23rd of January, at the manoeuvre and shooting field "Álvarez de Sotomayor" of Viator (Almería).

Altogether, 69 French soldiers have participated in this exercise in order to train themselves in operations of desert environments, during the day or at night.

This periodic collaborations between both units permit to get to know the employed aids and procedures by each of them in order to confront both, the conventional enemy and the insurgent elements of this environment.


Spanish and French soldiers in an exercise Spanish and French soldiers in an exercise (Photo:BRI II)