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  • The 74TH RAAA launches a Hank missile with the battery which will deploy in Norway in October
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The 74TH RAAA launches a Hank missile with the battery which will deploy in Norway in October

martes 19 de junio de 2018

Zenbakia: 6743

The 74th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (RAAA) carried out a Hawk missile firing exercise the 13th of June at the "Médano del Loro" Manoeuvring and Firing Field in Huelva. With this, it has been possible to certify the training of the battery that will be deployed in October in Norway, to participate in the exercise of the Joint Force of Very High Availability.

During the certification, they fired four missiles at the National Institute of Aerospace Technology's target aircrafts. The Command Post of the I/74 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group (GAAA) was in charge of the exercise and two HAWK Batteries were integrated into it: the 2nd of the I/74 GAAA and the 5th of the II/74 GAAA.

In addition to the two batteries deployed on the firing range, two HAWK assault sections were integrated, one deployed in Camposoto and the other in Sierra Carbonera, so that, apart from the missile launch, an exercise was carried out to control the airspace of the Strait area.

The entire exercise was conducted by staff and resources from the Technical Evaluation Section of the III/74 Repair Unit.

HAWK missile launch in the exercise

HAWK missile launch in the exercise