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  • Two U.S. soldiers jump with the 6th ‘Almogávares’ Brigade
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Two U.S. soldiers jump with the 6th ‘Almogávares’ Brigade

lunes 28 de enero de 2019

Zenbakia: 7110

The jump was in automatic mode

The jump was in automatic mode

The rokiski is given to one of the officers

The rokiski is given to one of the officers

The first parachute dropping in automatic mode this year from the HT-17 helicopter took place on 22 January in the jumping area of Uceda (Guadalajara.) In this occasion, the 6th ‘Almogávares’ Paratrooper Brigade began 2019 with the participation of two commands from the U.S. Army, Colovel Máximo Moore and Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Bowman, based in Spain as liaison officers in the Army Staff and in the Joint Special Operations Command, respectively.

Afterwards, the chief of the Brigade, General Luis Sáez Rocandio, gave both U.S. soldiers impuso a the Spanish rokiski in a modest ceremony. Since 1967, the 6th Brigade has had a close connection with the U.S. Army commands, due to the large amount of cooperations and bilateral activities that are carried out with aerial means from the U.S.