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Training with helicopters for Latvia

lunes 27 de mayo de 2019

Zenbakia: 7387

50 members of the 5th contingent which the Army will contribute to the NATO mission in Latvia have improved their helicopter training thanks to a day at the ‘El Copero’ base in Seville on the 16th of May which they shared with staff and resources from 4th Manoeuvre Helicopter Battalion.

Participants from the 11th Extremadura Brigade were able to instruct them in the specific tactics, techniques and procedures regarding aircraft such as the Superpuma or the Cougar, and they practiced embarking and disembarking with the helicopter on the ground and in movement, safety measures during these actions and tactical beaconing.

In this way, the rotation that will deploy to Latvia in July within the framework of the Enhanced Forward Presence operation, is now more prepared to work with helicopters and aircraft which will happen frequently during this mission

An exercise carried out during the training

An exercise carried out during the training