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The 10th Brigade is ready

viernes 27 de septiembre de 2019

Zenbakia: 7613

Shooting exercises, tactical marches, target reconnaissance and attacks in urban areas made up some of the main activities in in which the 10th ‘Guzmán el Bueno' Brigade was involved, from the 17th to the 19th of September, in order to test its level of preparation.

The 10th Brigade is currently in the stand down phase of its availability cycle, meaning its units are in reserve and could be activated if needed. For this reason, they must be certain that the personnel, equipment and documentation are all up to the required standard for a unit in high readiness, a state which must be maintained in this phase.

This was the objective of this exercise, which was carried out simultaneously in the base and in the ‘Cerro Muriano’ manoeuvre field in Cordoba, and in the ‘Soyeche’ barracks in Biscay and the manoeuvre field in Araca, Álava. Every unit from the Brigade was involved in the exercise: the Headquarters, the ‘Córdoba’, ‘Garellano’ and ‘Queen’s’ Regiments, the Campaign Artillery Group, the Sapper Battalion and the Logistical Group.

As well as keeping the Tactical Group which contributed to the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force in 2018 in reserve throughout 2019, the Brigade is also preparing the 6th contingent which the Army will deploy to Latvia as part of the Enhanced Forward Presence mission, during the first half of 2020.

All the units participated in the exercise

All the units participated in the exercise