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  • 11th Field Artillery Group trains in fire support
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11th Field Artillery Group trains in fire support

viernes 21 de mayo de 2021

Zenbakia: 8459

In Bótoa (Badajoz)

11th Field Artillery Group trains, based in Bótoa (Badajoz), has held a Fire Support Conference from May the 17th to the 19th within the framework of high intensity operations, which has included a seminar on TALOS (Command and Control System) tech.

These sessions, framed in the training and preparation plan for 2021, consist of three phases. First, a series of conferences for the Chiefs of Operations or AS3 of the battalion-type units, focused on the indirect fire system at the tactical brigade level, the management of fire supports and ground targeting.

In parallel, a conference on TALOS tech was held for the heads of the heavy mortar sections, with the purpose of standardising indirect fire technical procedures.

The conference ended with an exercise in the facilities of the "General Menacho" base, in which the previous activities were put into practice within the framework of a tactical theme that included the sequence and synchronization of the different nuclei involved in a breach-opening plan.



Advanced observer designates target in simulator

Advanced observer designates target in simulator