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  • 'Ejército' magazine contributes with 'The Spanish Legacy. The Spanish Legacy in the USA' Association
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'Ejército' magazine contributes with 'The Spanish Legacy. The Spanish Legacy in the USA' Association

martes 3 de abril de 2018

Número: 6556

The Association adds articles from the "Ejército" magazine

The Association adds articles from the "Ejército" magazine (Photo:The Spanish Legacy)

"Ejército" magazine contributes, since March, with "The Spanish Legacy. The Spanish Legacy in the USA" Association. This contribution consists in nine articles and a link to the "Reseña Histórica" section from the webpage

In this section, the association emphasizes the significance of the historical, military and cultural contribution of Spain in the USA, which creates a bond with this country even before the United States Declaration of Independence. To do so, it includes a section called "El Rincón de la Historia de la Revista Ejército", which contains the PDF document of the nine articles belonging to the series "El XVI, siglo olvidado de España en la historia de los EEUU".

For further information