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  • The Chiefs of Staff from the United Kingdom and Spain gather in the Spanish Army Headquarters
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The Chiefs of Staff from the United Kingdom and Spain gather in the Spanish Army Headquarters

lunes 4 de noviembre de 2019

Número: 7698

The representatives from the United Kingdom and Spain.

On the 30th and 31st of October, the Buenavista Palace in Madrid, seat of the Spanish Army’s Headquarters, hosted a meeting between the Chiefs of Staff of the British and Spanish armies. In this, the 22nd meeting of this type, the delegations were comprised of seven soldiers from both countries, including the liaison officer for each country.

The meeting is annual and aims to address issues of mutual interest to both armies, review the status of bilateral actions agreed upon in the last meeting, and establish the cooperation programme for the years 2020-2021. At the end of the meeting, they signed a document that covers 34 activities, within which the most important are those with an operational nature and those which confirm the good relationship between the two armies.