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Participants of the 4th Course of National Defense visit the 1st Brigade 'Aragón'

jueves 16 de noviembre de 2017

Número: 6347

Young people, not older than 32, members of the 4th Course of National Defense that the Superior Centre of Defense Studies organizes for them, have visited the 1st Brigade "Aragón", the 14th of November, in Zaragoza.

Among the participants in the course there were young teachers, politicians, journalists, soldiers, university students and professionals of companies related to Security and Defense who wish to have a general overview of the National Defense, through the knowledge of the national and international most significant aspects that affect the geostrategic Spanish context, the Security and Defense Policy foundations, the general lines of organization, the Defense planning and the missions of the Armed Forces.

In this context it was developed the visit of the mentioned Spanish Army's unit, being received by its Chief, General José L. Sánchez Martínez-Falero. The delegation was headed by the director of the Department of Culture and Defense Diplomacy, General of the Spanish Navy Marines Luis Meléndez, and by the Colonel of the Brazilian Army, Juárez Guina.

After the welcoming, the visitors attended to a conference about history, deployment, aids, missions and abilities of the 1st Brigade "Aragón", saw the exhibition of vehicles and materials, conducted exercises of shooting at the simulator VICTRIX and contemplated the demonstration carried out by the Unit of Cynology of the Military Police's Unit.

Participants in the exhibition of abilities

Participants in the exhibition of abilities (Photo:BRI I)