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The King Felipe VI awards the ‘Sicilian Third’ the Ribbon of the Order of Isabel the Catholic

lunes 30 de septiembre de 2019

Número: 7618

El subsecretario coloca la Corbata en la Bandera

The Deputy Minister places the ribbon on the flag

Formación del Regimiento durante el acto

The Regiment in formation during the ceremony

On the 26th of September, the 67th Infantry Regiment from the ‘Sicilian Third’ was awarded the Ribbon of the Order of Isabel the Catholic by His Majesty King Felipe VI, in recognition of the Regiment’s work to guarantee the security and defence of the city across three centuries.

The Regiment’s colonel received the recognition from the government’s sub-delegate in Guipúzcoa, Guillermo Echenique, during a ceremony held in the San Sebastian Sub-Delegation.

The sub-delegate highlighted that in the San Sebastian Regiment’s 300-year history, it has defended the city, alongside the people of San Sebastian and Guipúzcoa, from foreign invasions on 14 occasions. He also reminded the audience of the unit’s upcoming deployment in Iraq, which will come into effect in November.

The Regiment’s anniversary

Additionally, a ceremony was held in the parade grounds of the ‘Loyola’ barracks to celebrate the 484th anniversary of the creation of the ‘Sicilian Third’ and the 300-year anniversary of the unit's arrival in San Sebastian.

The ceremony also served as a farewell to the members of the ‘Legazpi’ battalion who form part of the contingent who will deploy to Iraq and was presided over by the deputy minister of Defence, Alejo de la Torre. Also in attendance was General Javier Romero, chief of the 11th Brigade, the unit in which the Regiment is integrated.