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The H1H Huey's last flight in the Army

jueves 13 de diciembre de 2018

Nombre: 7050

On 12th December, the H1H Huey helicopter said goodbye to the Army at the 'Coronel Maté' base, in Colmenar Viejo, where it has flown for the last time.

After 52 years of uninterrumpted service and approximately 231,000 flight hours, it has taken off for the last time from the Army Aviation Academy (ACAVIET) controlled by Lieutenant Colonel Muñoz Bueno and piloted by Major Zaloña.

Afterwards, the H1H Huey has crossed the water corridor that puts an end to its story in the Army, remarkable at a national level and also in missions abroad, in which it has taken part during these years.

'Today, this veteran says goodbye with a long and faultless service record, after a life devoted to Spain, and it switches to reserve with the satisfaction of having fulfilled its duty', claimed Colonel Fuentes, director of ACAVIET.

The first aircrafts arrived at the 'Los Remedios' quartering–current 'Coronel Maté' base–on 26th July 1966. Afterwards, the modern Super Puma and Cougar replaced the H1H Huey.

Now it switches to reserve, 'surpassed by technological advancements, in no case due to its own faults'.

ultimo vuelo del hu-10

Water corridor in the aircraft's farewell


Galería de imágenes del Ejército de Tierra

On 12th December, the H1H Huey helicopter said goodbye to the Army at the 'Coronel Maté' base, in Colmenar Viejo, where it has flown for the last time.