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Cadet´s Daily Routine

Circuit of Volitional Capacities

The Circuit of Volitional Capacities of the Academia General Militar is a physical-military 20-obstacle course positioned along an irregular track. Squad or Platoon-sized teams must pass the different obstacles in the most efficient possible way in a situation of fatigue and with incidences that force the decision making constantly. It is about getting the cadets to internalize sacrifice, fatigue, decision-making, self-confidence, etc., and always working as a team and acquiring skills from the squad /team leaders who act as role models.


Circuit of volitional capacities
Cadets facing incidences forcing them to make the right decision quickly (Photo: Javi Cobu)

The usual uniform to pass the court is the Battle Dress uniform, combat boots and combat gloves. You can add a combat backpack, a harness assembly, armament, a helmet, etc.

Circuit of volitional capacities
Team work is essential in the circuit of volitional capacities (Photo AGM)

One of the most important elements of the activity is the presentation of incidences along the way, for example: carrying a wounded person on a stretcher; causing the team leader to be out of the course; having to move 20-litre flasks of water along the obstacle; or "blind" all components of the team except the leader with opaque glasses. All this in order to force a time-consuming and fatiguing decision-making process, so that the leader analyzes the new mission, assesses the situation, establishes different lines of action to carry out his/her mission, and finally makes a decision, directing and controlling its materialization.

Circuit of volitional capacities
A team passing an obstacle simultaneously (Photo: AGM)

Usually, 1st and 2nd year cadets are performers and 3rd and 4th year Second Lieutenants are Squad and Team leaders respectively.

One of the annual milestones in the use of this facility is the trophy Teniente Cabrelles (first combatant of the Academia General Militar killed in action in the campaign of Melilla, 1893), It is a physical-military instruction test in which 1st and 2nd year cadet platoons, under the command of 4th year Second Lieutenants, must pass more than a dozen tests of topography, shooting, race, cargo transfer, combat, signals, first aid and the aforementioned Circuit of Volitional Capacities.