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Army news

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Army begins its deployment to Poland for the 'Steadfast Defender' exercise

The Army begins its deployment to Poland for the 'Steadfast Defender' exercise

On April 12th, the Army began its deployment to Poland, where it is participating, between April and May, in the Saber Strike and Switf Response exercises, of the Steadfast Defender series, the most important NATO exercise in European territory, in which more than 20 member countries and partners of the Atlantic Alliance are going to participate.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Carried out in Madrid the 'Workshop 23' Force 35: Anti-aircraft Defense at low and very low altitude

Carried out in Madrid the 'Workshop 23' Force 35: Anti-aircraft Defense at low and very low altitude

The head of the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE), Lieutenant General García y García de las Hijas, inaugurated, on March 20th, at the "Capitán Guiloche" barracks (Madrid), the "Workshop 23" Force 35: Anti-aircraft Defense at low and very low altitude, which was attended by the second chief of the Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Escámez Fernández.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The X Brigade applies the concept of Command Posts 'Force 35' during the 'Égida' exercise

The X Brigade applies the concept of Command Posts 'Force 35' during the 'Égida' exercise

The "Guzmán el Bueno" X Brigade implemented the new conception of the articulation and composition of command posts in a combat brigade defined in the "Concepts of Transformation of Force 35," during the conduct of the "Strong Commitment" operation.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters of Bétera begins its deployment in Slovakia

The NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters of Bétera begins its deployment in Slovakia

A first group of soldiers from the NATO Rapid Deployment Headquarters in Bétera (Valencia) began their deployment in Slovakia on March 12th, to materialize the leadership as a framework nation of the Warfighting Corps (WFC) contemplated in the operational plans of the Alliance, as part of the coordination element of the Army Corps Headquarters offered by Spain.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Spain, host country of the 46th Asset Tracking Working Group meeting of NATO

Spain, host country of the 46th Asset Tracking Working Group meeting of NATO

The facilities of the "Gran Capitán" logistics residence in Cordoba have hosted the meeting of the 46th Asset Tracking Working Group (ASTWG) of NATO, held during the first week of March.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance for civilian personnel at the Infantry Academy

Pledge of Allegiance for civilian personnel at the Infantry Academy

The Infantry Academy will once again host the act of Oath to the Flag of Spain of civilian personnel who request it. The event will be held in the Main Square of the teaching center, in Toledo, on April 20th, at 12.00 pm.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Presented the XVI edition of the Ebro Race

Presented the XVI edition of the Ebro Race

The Brigade (BRI) "Aragón" I presented, on January 18th in the former Palace of Captaincy of Zaragoza, the XVI edition of the Ebro Race, which will be held on February 25th in Zaragoza.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Cultural activities of the Army Museum for the month of February

Cultural activities of the Army Museum for the month of February

The Museum of the Army of Toledo has announced its cultural program for the month of February, during which it keeps open the exhibition "1898: the end of four centuries of Cuba and the Spanish Philippines," which can be visited free of charge until next April, from 10.00 to 17.00 hours, in the temporary exhibition hall of the Museum.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

2023 Armored motorbike rally in the 'El Goloso' Madrid base

2023 Armored motorbike rally in the 'El Goloso' Madrid base

The 12th "Guadarrama" Brigade has organized the "2023 Armored Motorbike Rally," which will take place on June 24th, at the "El Goloso" base (Madrid).

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Day of the Armed Forces in La Coruña

Day of the Armed Forces in La Coruña

The Maneuver Support Command (MAM in Spanish) has organized a series of activities that will take place in La Coruña, from June 1st to 11th, and that aim at facilitating a better knowledge of the work carried out by the Armed Forces, by the population of Coruña and its visitors.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebration of the Day of the Armed Forces in Cordoba

Celebration of the Day of the Armed Forces in Cordoba

The 10th "Guzman el bueno" Brigade has organized, in collaboration with the City Council of Cordoba, a flag hoist, on June 8th, at 11.00 a.m., in the Plaza de España of the Cordoba capital.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Activities of the Army Museum for the month of June

Activities of the Army Museum for the month of June

The Museum of the Army of Toledo has announced its cultural program for the month of June. As usual, it includes cultural and entertainment options for all ages.



  • Cartel Retos Futuros 2024
  • Proposito del JEMe para el 2024
  • Especial Tierra Digital 2024
  •  eventos ejercito de tierra

Latest news from the units

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Personal del MOE realiza el Curso en Selva Jaguar en la Guayana Francesa


El curso internacional “Jaguar” es un curso de formación individual creado en 2004. Su objetivo es formar personal para el combate en la selva a nivel jefe de sección con el fin de llevar a cabo misiones en entorno ecuatorial.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

EL GL III/61 de la AALOG 61 recepciona una carretilla elevadora todoterreno de 16 Tm

Llegada a la base Araca

Se trata de la carretilla elevadora todoterreno de 16 Tm marca UP LIFTING 1200-AT TT que sustituye a una anterior de 20 Tm que carecía de aptitud todoterreno.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Acto despedida pase a la reserva del Suboficial Mayor RI "Palma" 47 D Leonardo Lafuente Campins

Desfile de despedida.

El pasado viernes día 19 de abril, el Regimiento de Infantería “PALMA” nº47 realizó el acto de despedida a su Suboficial Mayor, D. Leonardo Lafuente Campins que, tras cumplir los 6 años en el cargo, pasará a la situación de Reserva el próximo día 30 de abril.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

40 Aniversario del egreso de la Academia de Artillería de la 272 promoción (XXXIX AGM)

272 promoción de oficiales de artillería

Cuatro décadas después, los componentes de la 272 promoción de oficiales del arma de artillería regresaron el pasado viernes 19 de abril al Patio de Orden de la Academia de Artillería para conmemorar el 40 aniversario de su egreso de este Centro.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Conferencia los héroes del Zoco "El Telatza"

Cartel del la conferencia.

El pasado día 18 de abril, el investigador D. Jorge Garrido Laguna ofreció una conferencia de los hechos acaecidos en la posición del Zoco el Telatza durante la campaña del Rif en julio de 1921, en el Palacio de la Almudaina.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

526 Aniversario de la Compañía de Mar de Melilla

Aniversario Cía de Mar

El 18 de abril se celebró el 526 Aniversario de la Compañía de Mar de Melilla, durante la formación de la Unidad Logística 24 y después del Acto de Izado de la Bandera.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Conferencia “Hernán Cortés: El hombre, el conquistador y el creador de una nación”


Sala de conferencias del Museo de Almeyda

Monday, April 22, 2024

Inauguración de cursos de la Estrategia Integral de Desarrollo Profesional (EIDP) en el CGTAD


Hoy se ha celebrado en las instalaciones del Acuartelamiento Santo Domingo – CGTAD, el acto de inauguración del Curso de Seguridad y Defensa Nacional, Organización y Funcionamiento de la Administración Militar y el Curso de Entrenamiento Físico Personalizado organizados en el marco del Convenio del Ministerio de Defensa y el Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) y dirigidos a los Militares de Tropa y Marinería con Compromiso Temporal con las FAS.

Monday, April 22, 2024

El Grupo de Abastecimiento de la AALOG 11 realiza el Ejercicio de Cohesión de Unidad

Personal del GABTO 1-11

El Grupo de Abastecimiento I/11 (GABTO I/11) ha realizado satisfactoriamente, el 18 de abril de 2024, el Ejercicio de Cohesión de Unidad