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The 17th War Correspondents Conference for media professionals -Announcement-

For health reasons, the 17th conference may be suspended.

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Jornadas de Corresoponsales Ejército de Tierra
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Jornadas de Corresoponsales Ejército de Tierra

 On the 21st of June, 2021, the 17th War Correspondents Conference organised by the Army Training School and the Communications Department will begin with the participation of units from Madrid and the ILUNION “Driving School” company.

These sessions, open to professionals who carry out their work in an information medium, aim to share the Army's experience of operations abroad. Its main purpose is to provide participants with knowledge and skills that allow them to complete their work when they move to an area in crisis or conflict. The Army has been putting its knowledge, experience and skills at the service of these professionals for more than a decade by executing pedagogical work.

The training includes knowledge of health prevention and basic life support, self-protection measures, knowledge of various materials used in operations, driving and maintenance of vehicles, survival in contaminated areas, awareness of mines and improvised devices, health prevention in areas of operations, etc.

It also includes mine, boarding, driving, day and night field workshops and practices with embedding in tactical units. Transfers are carried out in helicopters, all-terrain vehicles and combat vehicles.

The last day will feature conferences on the experiences of public information officers and journalists who have been in conflict zones.

The terms and conditions to apply for a place in the Conference open on the 19th of April and ends on the 7th of May. Any questions or queries can be raised to the email address

The number of places is limited to 25 for organizational reasons and the selection will be made according to the criteria of the Army Communications Department which reserves its rights to do so. The course will bear no cost for participants who will only have to take care of the accommodation and travel expenses to Madrid, if applicable. In the first fortnight of June, all applicants will be informed of their request, successful or otherwise, for admission to the conference.



Video 11th conference