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Capabilities integration. Company-level exercise of the VJTF, Spearhead and San Quintín battalions to prepare for Deployex in Poland.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Number: 001 VJTF

Capabilities integration

Capabilities integration

The ‘San Quintín Battalion’, of the 3rd Regiment ‘Príncipe’, alongside a company from its sister regiment ‘Isabel la Católica’, JTACs from Field Artillery Command, seven aircraft from the Army Helicopter Forces and an OPFOR from the ‘Toledo’ Battalion have carried out a company-level exercise at the training field and shooting range of Renedo Cabezón.

The main aim of the exercise was to integrate the military capabilities of the different units taking part and carry out three night airmobile operations. The latter involved two Tigers, two Chinooks and three Cougars and consisted in the seizure of an APOD to guarantee freedom of action for the arrival of the bulk of the troops.

This exercise has served to finalise the fine-tuning of the force previous to the VJTF exercise Deployex, which will take place over the months of May and June in Poland.