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The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters celebrates its 20th anniversary

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Number: 9135

The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters (HQ NRDC-ESP), has celebrated, on October 5th, its 20th anniversary, with a 20 kilometer march around its base, located in Bétera (Valencia), followed by a military parade in the presence of the military representatives of the 12 countries that are currently part of it.

Once the march was completed, homage was paid with an act of hoisting of both the NATO flag and the 12 flags that make up the Headquarters, paying tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain and NATO.

The function was presided over by the chief of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain Headquarters (NATO Rapid Deployable Spanish Corps), Lieutenant-General Fernando García-Vaquero Pradal, and it was attended by different civilian and military authorities such as the mayors of localities close to the military base.

Since its creation in 2002, the HQ NRDC-ESP has been permanently adapting to the needs of a constantly evolving environment, reaching the highest degree of preparation in order to fulfil the different missions which both Spain and NATO entrust to it.

Hoisting of the flags during the ceremony

Hoisting of the flags during the ceremony