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32st Libre Hidalgo

The 13th ‘King Alfonso’ Brigade, 2nd of the Legion, has become the 32nd Lebanese Brigade to lead Sector East of the UN’s Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The members of this brigade are taking over from the 12th ‘Guadarrama’ Brigade.

The handover ceremony between the two Spanish contingents took place in the ‘Miguel de Cervantes’ base in Marjayoun and was realised when General Marcos Llago Navarro received the United Nations’ flag. This is the fourth deployment for the Brigade of the Legion in Lebanon.  The ceremony was presided over by the mission commander, the Italian Major General Stefano Del Col.

The new troops will be deployed in the area for six months, in which they will work with the other contingents in Sector East (Brazil, Serbia, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Kazakhstan and France) and collaborate with the Lebanese Armed Forces.

During their deployment they will progress towards meeting the goals established by resolutions 1701 and 2485 from the United Nations Security Council, which aim to achieve stability and security in the south of Lebanon.