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The Chief of Staff of the Army visits the troops deployed in Latvia

Monday, April 3, 2023

Number: 9293

Troops deployed

Troops deployed



The Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME in Spanish), army general Amador Enseñat y Berea, is travelling to Latvia in order to fulfil various commitments. Among them, the Chief of Staff of the Army visited on April 3rd the contingent of the Army deployed in this country. It is part of the NATO mission "Enhanced Forward Presence" (eFP), operational since 2017. For this reason, he spent a day with the troops that are there right now.

Throughout 2022 and as part of the coordinated response of the allies to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, Spain greatly increased its commitment in the northeastern area of the Atlantic Alliance. In this regard, additional capacities like Field Artillery or Engineers were added to the mechanized tactical subgroup already present at the Adazi base. Personnel was added too, that is now part of an Anti-Aircraft Defence Unit -integrated into NATO joint system- to protect Latvia's airspace.

The Chief of Staff of the Army took this opportunity to meet the Spanish ambassador in Latvia. He shared with him part of the visit to the Spanish units at the Adazi base, and also with the Latvian general who leads the Joint Force Land Component Command -who is his counterpart as Chief of Staff of the Army-.

The deepening of these relationships is one more example of Spain's strong and growing commitment to the Security and Defence of Europe, in the framework of the Atlantic Alliance and also in all the initiatives of the European Union with regard to the present situation.