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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Number: 29

Engineers´ Regiment 7 EOD Unit personnel deployed in Nouakchott

A small Spanish contingent made up of Engineers´ Regiment 7 EOD Unit (RING 7 in Spanish) deployed from May 5th to the 31st in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott within the cooperative safety operation framework, that Spain keeps with Mauritania, in order to instruct 24 Mauritanian military personnel on how to defuse unexploded ordnance (UXO´s).
In a city full of works to adapt roads and sidewalks in regards to the Arab League´s meeting in July, 1 Lieutenant, 3 NCO’s and 2 Privates came from Spain to teach different subjects to Mauritanian students. The subjects were about detection devices, protection, attack, ammunition, removal, exploitation and doctrine. It was mainly more practical than theoretical.
The general perception of the contigent is that the Mauritanian personnel found of great interest all the contents as they actually remove mines in their borders and regularly use metal detectors.

A practice in the field

A practice in de field. Photo RING-7


The relation between the local population and the Spanish was very good

The relation between the local population and the Spanish was very good. Photo RING-7


Although part of the Mauritanian personnel previously spent 2 months at the Centro Internacional de Desminado de Hoyo de Manzanares in Madrid (International De-mining Center) and some of them removed mines in the North side of the Mauritanian border, it was of great importance for them the exploitation and collecting evidence courses.  In fact, the students´ lack of knowledge on this made them not to give the pertinent significance to this part of the deactivation.       

The Spanish contingent relied on a Spanish<>Hassaniya interpreter to communicate during the whole instruction. Most of the Mauritanian military personnel, except for the NCO´s just speak that Arabic dialect.















The Mauritanian personnel attends with interest to a theoretical class in the classroom

Mauritanian personnel attends with interest to a theoretical class in the classroom . Foto RING-7