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Paratroopers Celebrate their Day

Friday, February 24, 2012

Number: 1431



Tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain

Tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain (Photo:Paratroops Brigade)

The final paratrooper bears the Flag of Spain

The final paratrooper bears the Flag of Spain (Photo:Paratroops Brigade)

The 8th anniversary of the first jump by the Army paratroops Forces was held in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid) and Jabalí Nuevo (Murcia), on 23rd February, with an exhibition jump to emulate those pioneers. 

It was the finishing touch to the military ceremony to commemorate the day of paratroops units, shared between Madrid --where 6th Paratroops Light Infantry Brigade Headquarters, as well as the 1st and 2nd Battalions are located--, and Murcia, where the 3rd Battalion is situated. 

In the first case, the parade was presided over by the Chief the Army Staff, Army General Fulgencio Coll, while the second was presided over by the Light Forces commander, General Juan B. García.

Servicepersons with over 20 years service in the unit received the badge accrediting this during the celebration; as is the usual practice, the Paratroops Prayer, the Hymn, the  paratroops Cries nor one of the promises of their particular Ideology was missing.