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‘Tercio Viejo’ Regiment Trains on “San Gregorio’ Training Centre

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Number: 1934

Prepared for helicopter boarding

Prepared for helicopter boarding (Photo:5th Light Infantry Brigade)

Over 500 servicepersons participated in the exercise

Over 500 servicepersons participated in the exercise (Photo:5th Light Infantry Brigade)

67th Regiment members during the exercise

67th Regiment members during the exercise (Photo:5th Light Infantry Brigade)

In all, 528 service personnel, 171 vehicles and 3 helicopters participated from 12th to 20th October on National Training Centre ‘San Gregorio’ in exercise ‘Loyal Vigilant’, which served as training for a Tactical Group made up with core troops from 67th Light Infantry Regiment ‘Tercio Viejo de Sicilia’.

The main tactical theme consisted of the raid on an enemy position that prevented the unit’s advance.  The movement towards the departure base took place in the early morning hours, and the attack began with the first light of day.  Once the position was consolidated, the Tactical Group organised for its defence until the time for withdrawal arrived. 

Prior to the central exercise, other Alpha-type manoeuvres had been carried out which included live fire and heli-transport of personnel to the attack area, which were observed by the commander of 5th Light Infantry Brigade ‘San Marcial’, General Carlos A. Terol.

In addition, the companies practised fire with rifles, mortars and grenade launchers, along with hand grenade throwing and explosives practice. 

Along with the of 5th Light Infantry Brigade ‘San Marcial’ personnel, there were two helicopters from the 3rd Manoeuvre Helicopter Battalion, a Chinook from the 5th Transport Helicopter Battalion and members of the 11th Field Artillery Regiment;  acting as the opposition force were National Training Centre personnel, with an armoured platoon and another mechanized one.