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Soldiers from Saudi Arabia visit the headquarters of the Armoured Brigade to broaden their training

Friday, April 1, 2016

Number: 5091

The Saudis in the buried Command Post

The Saudis in the buried Command Post (Photo: BRIAC XII)

The visitors with General Conde next to a Leopard

The visitors with General Conde next to a Leopard (Photo: BRIAC XII)

A delegation of around twenty officers, teachers and students from the Saudi War College is currently visiting Spain and touring different Army units in order to broaden their knowledge of the equipment and training systems used in other countries.

Their latest visit was to the headquarters of the Brigade “Guadarrama”, on 31 March. First, the delegation attended a brief presentation on the structure and capabilities of the unit in the buried Command Post.

Next, at the exercise field of the “El Goloso” base, they had the opportunity to test drive Pizarro and Leopard tanks and to study the field work developed by a battalion-level command post.

In addition, they visited the simulation rooms used for training on armoured and mechanised vehicles. The Spanish Army, and particularly the 12th Brigade, are pioneers in the use of such equipment.

The tour ended with a stroll through the Historic Room, which recounts the 350 years of the 31st Regiment “Asturias”, and the Armoured Vehicles Museum, which reflects the history of tanks in the Spanish Army.