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The Army participation in the ‘Sentinel Gallego’ operation ends

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Number: 5476

The 7th ‘Galicia’ Brigade, BRILAT –Spanish for Airborne Light Infantry Brigade–,  with personnel coming from its 3 HQs (Pontevedra, Asturias and Valladolid) and from Navy units belonging to the Spanish Navy Marines (Ferrol), has ended its participation in the ‘Sentinel Gallego’ operation on Sept. 15th. It is an operation that the Galician Government implements in summertime for fire prevention in the area.

During the 2 months that the project has been operational, the 450 military personnel who were deployed have given notice 180 times to the pertinent authorities. These warnings were about fires, stubble burnings, suspicious people and inflammatory material. Besides, the deployed personnel at this operation have combined surveillance task with the search of 2 missing people, the assistance to a crashed vehicle, home´s evacuations, the evacuation from a burning building and the support to the Spanish Security Forces when needed. Altogether, the surveillance patrols have done more than 485,000 km and more than 50 flights with the RAVEN system.

All the units that have covered 3 of the 4 Galician regions have been under the tactical command of the BRILAT chief, General Cebrián, by delegation of General Admiral, García Sánchez, Chief of Staff of Denfense, who has coordinated all the means through Operations Command. 


Surveillance from an observation station

Surveillance from an observation station (Photo:BRILAT 7th)