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Soldiers qualified in the Special Operations Command participate in a health emergency techniques course in Granada

Monday, May 22, 2017

Number: 6023

Soldiers qualified in the Special Operations Command (MOE) participated in the “Attacks, the new 21st Century aid challenge for health emergency techniques" course from 11 to 14 May, which was held in Mojácar (Almería) and organised by the Health Scienes Faculty of the University of Granada.

The aim of the course is to train health professionals to understand basic safety principles and actions during high risk situations, such as attacks. In order to this, the University of Granada was supported by participation from qualified professionals from the MOE, as well as health professionals with extensive experience in emergency healthcare in Madrid Civil Protection, Firefighter Forces from Miranda de Ebro and EPES 061 Andalusia Emergency Services Professionals.

Members of the MOE delivered three presentations about general action procedures in high risk situations, security principles and response in situations with active shooters and MCI (mass casualty incident) in hostile environments. Soldiers also led three workshops to demonstrate the practise of recovering the injured in areas with direct fire, hemorrage control with tourniquets and hemostasics, and airway control using Combat Victims Attention Techniques.

Finally, staff from the MOE particpated in two exercises, in which students were included and acted as an attack unit, removing the threat, then supporting the emergency services by treating and assessing the injured.


Practising removing an injured person during the coursePractising removing an injured person during the course (Photo:MOE)