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Presentation of lieutenant general Campins in Brunssum

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Number: 6087

The new deputy chief of the NATO Joint Force Headquarters (JFCBS) in Brunssum (Holland), lieutenant general Campins, had his official presentation to staff of the headquarters on 6 June.

After being received by the head of the JFCBS, general Farina, the former deputy chief of the Army saluted representatives from the different nations, who carried their respective flags, and the officials who most embodied each of the divisions and sections that make up the NATO operational level headquarters. Eventually, he will have meetings with each one of them.

Lieutenant general Campins takes over the position from Army general Alejandre, who was recently appointed as Chief of Defence, and who had been in the role for the last three years.

LTG Campins giving a salute at the presentations event

Lt. General Campins giving a salute at the presentations event (Photo:JFCBS)