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Spanish-French collaboration in a mountain exercise in Chamonix

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Number: 6120

A group of 20 members of the Ski-Mountaineer Company from the nº 64 “Galicia” Mountain Shooters Regiment of the 1st “Aragón” Brigade carried out a billateral collaboration with la École Militare de Haute Montagne from 17 to 25 June. The exercise took place in Chamonix (France), where the French school headquarters is located, at the foot of the Roof of Europe, Mont Blanc (4.808 metres).

During the exercise, participants perfected techniques and procedures for movement on glacier terrain, rescue in crevices, hiking on ice, progression on icy ridges and climbs to summits higher than 4,000 metres.

In addition, they climbed the Mont Blanc du Tacul (4,248 metres), the Cosmiques ridge, the Lachenal ridge and carried out different ice activities on the Mer de Glace glacier and climbs around the Chamonix area.

Likewise, participants could experience the different affects of altitude sickness caused by a lack of oxygen. This, together with the height and glacier terrain where they completed the training, which is paractically inexistent in Spain, allowed the Spanish Ski-Mountaineer company to broaden their knowledge.

Moving on ridges in the French Alps

Moving on ridges in the French Alps (Photo:BRI I)