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Support the Cadets Solidary Swim Challenge for Mali across the Straight of Gibraltar

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Number: 6136

Eight male and female Cadets from the General Military Academy will swim across the Straight of Gibraltar, the 8th of July, departing from Tarifa and covering a total of 22 kilometres, working in favour of various collaborative projects in Mali.  In order to achieve their objective, they ask for encouragement and contributions through "Cáritas Castrense" for those who wish to participate in this great feat.

Led by one of the teacher´s captains from the Academic Military Centre, the pupils are not going to cross the shortest part of the Straight, considering that around 50 expert swimmers who achieve to cross the Straight yearly normally do so by joining the two closest points: Tarifa with Punta Cires (Morroco), which has a distance of approximately 14 kilometres.

There are other differences between these swimmer´s profiles who normally confront this challenge and the pupils from the Academy. The cadets who have been chosen demonstrate strong swimming qualities, however they are not professionals, they are approximately 20 years old and due to their tight academic schedule they can not dedicate enough hours to their weekly training.

Even though the training sessions have been intense and very difficult, especially during their off-duty weekends, the young cadets have participated in Official Competition Open Water Marathons off the coasts of Catalonia and Valencia obtaining very good results in their categories.

All donations that are collected will be destined to the various Collaborative Projects in Mali, a country which the Land Forces will deploy as part of a training mission of the European Union.

Additional information in attached file.

  Straight of Gibraltar flyer 

Promotional Poster of the Event

Promotional Poster of the Event(Foto:AGM)