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The 6th 'Almogávares' Brigade says goodbye to the new contingent deployed in Iraq

Monday, May 7, 2018

Number: 6624

"Príncipe" base, in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid) has been witness to the farewell act, the 27th of April, of the contingent which will be deployed soon in Iraq in order to train the forces and security of that country.

The military parade was chaired by the chief of "Castillejos" Division, General Ferando García González-Valerio, who, after reviewing the force, gave the Regimental Standard which will accompany the chief of the Task Force Besmayah, Colonel Luis Cortés Delgado. He highlighted the importance of forming an unit able to accomplish successfully the mission, and he admitted the difficult role that the families have to face towards the absence of the members of the contingent during six months of deployment.

Afterwards, General González-Valerio emphasized the importance of the job developed by the contingent as part of the mission carried out by the International Coalition against Daesh in Iraqi territory. He also highlighted the complex labor conducted there by the Spanish soldiers, where they work together with members of the English and Portuguese Armies in the training of the Iraqi Forces.


Formation in the farewell act.

Formation in the farewell act. (Photo:BRI VI)